Saturday, November 27, 2010

curly :P

Curly curly quiet contrary
the locks that you carry
which never fits Mr.Harry
atleast make her dance with Merry
by giving her the keys to your quarry
A sight of cream on cherry
A journey that takes her on a ferry
soooooooooooo hurryyyyyy :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

going back west..

Petty things come my way

In hues of blue all day

making me drown in vain

a frown that drives me sane

a beep that alerts my vein

that told me shadows are real

the creaks of doors on walls

that brought me back to this world

from a dream of roses and cream

to the twirl of eerie white beings

one jerk and the shadows flip,

that made me shiver a bit

the paleness followed my eyes

that took my soul to the west...